“I was a child raised by books. I grew up with Heidi and Little Women, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, myths of Greek and Roman gods, Enid Blyton, Nancy Drew, and the lives of the saints. I was a sickly, insecure child and a pretty unattractive one, so, I guess it’s no surprise that my safe place consisted of God and books. They were my friends. And I think it’s because I spent my childhood “on the outside” that I grew up going out into the margins and welcoming people in. I just like making people feel included.
From the age of six, I’d accompany the nuns to visit the poor in the slums of Manila. I’d play with the kids after they learned their catechism and that got me hooked on volunteering. I liked working with the poor and the mentally and physically handicapped because these kids were inspiring, always happy, and very affectionate. Being with them taught me to be grateful and count my blessings. These days, I continue to support them through child sponsorship, vocational training, education, and micro-enterprise.
Prior to coming to New Zealand, I lived in Manila, Tokyo, and London. I think I’ve got the immigrant experience down pat! You leave your career, your networks, your friends, and start from scratch in each country. Every place you land, you have to reinvent yourself. It’s a curriculum in resilience.
In my current reinvention, I help women who feel like they’ve lost their value – maybe because they’re unemployed, or feel stuck, lost, or insignificant. As women, we tend to believe a lot of lies about what makes us worthy, significant, or loveable. I like to help women rub the tarnish off their self-worth so that they can see the gold underneath again. So, they can have hope and make their contribution.”