Maire Kipa
Ko Kipa Poukaha te whanau
Kati Urihia, Kai Te Rakiamoa, Kati I rakehu,
Kai Tuahuriri Ka hapu
Kati Mamoe, Kai Tahu, Rapuwai ka Iwi
Ko Maire Parewaiterangi Kipa ahau
Through my father’s whakapapa I connect the whenua Ouritia (Marshland area). Through our love for Rongoa Māori we found a special place at the Puharakekenui and Kaputahi confluence to Mahinga Ngahere – ‘grow great forests’.
‘Mirimiri the land, mirimiri the people’.
My brother Aperahama and I are passionate about healing the land, to heal the waterways and people – it’s all connected. Regenerating ngahere is a legacy left to us by our tupuna (those who have passed). It’s a way to practice and pass on the values and teachings of Kaitiakitanga, Manaakitanga, Tohungatanga and Rangatiratanga.
We need more whānau to help regenerate native forest now, so that in 20 years’ time we can look back the handwork of schools, universities whānau and council and know we are doing right by our land, rivers, creeks and streams. Before we know it future generations will continue to grow native forests all over Waitaha / Canterbury.
Every year humans converge at Kaputahi for a dawn planting to celebrate Matariki and Puaka rising. It’s a time to think ahead and to plant.
It takes a whole lifetime of being human having spiritual experiences to take Mahinga Ngahere to as many whānau as possible. There’s nothing like connecting whānau wellbeing to the whenua, Ranginui and Papatuanuku. By having our hands in the soil, even if it’s just one plant, you connect to Papatuanuku and this ensures the environment is part of our forward thinking.