“I love it out here. I love a view.
Jim bought this (bach) probably about 50 years ago. Jim is my father-in-law. Whenever you turn the mains on, the wireless stays on for the whole weekend. It’s just part of the ambience of the place.
We’ve finally got a bit of tenure now for 30 years, which is good because it’s such a part of Christchurch history really. Can you imagine Taylors Mistake without the baches? Half the history was gone with the earthquakes. Why would you use a bulldozer to get rid of more history?
Humans are creatures of habit. I think there’s some really bad habits out there. This commute to an office, this nine to five, no one can be productive from nine to five! It’s just such an old concept.
I love this remote working. This morning I did a couple of hours. I’ll work tonight. Yesterday I was out in the high country with a mate. Just fishing. Just chatting. We don’t actually go to catch a fish. My friends look at me and say ‘he’s got it right’. Funnily enough, they don’t know that I’m actually working harder and longer. Because I’m in the right frame of mind to work longer and harder.
We’re on this planet for a short time. And we spend so much time doing shit we don’t want to do. You know? Yeah, we all need to work, but work when it works for you! Yeah I’m lucky.
It’s almost a conspiracy, the concept of technology to assist us. It just complicates stuff a lot of the time. I’m in IT, but give me a pen and paper. Give me some silence. Email; Text; Messenger; WhatsApp; different channels for people to bombard me at. All this clutter, it’s interesting where it’s taking us. These kids with social media and FOMO, the inability to enjoy the moment.
We’ve done a lot of tramping with the family. I love it. You look at an insect, you hear the birds and it’s all in the moment. Living in that moment is a lost skill. That’s where I get my peace.”
– Mike