
“I was born and raised in war. To be honest, those are not good memories. I really like Iran, and I really miss it, but I couldn’t be myself there. Even though my family didn’t like my decision, I left Iran. I promised myself that I would do whatever I can for all communities, especially […]


“I didn’t get taken to funerals as a child, I got left behind. As a result I had no healthy death experiences to draw from. I became a funeral-avoidant death-phobic scaredy-cat. I was so bad at dealing with loss, terrible at supporting friends. I didn’t know what to say and often for fear of saying […]

A.K. part two

“She just started at school last week, you know? It’s a really big change and challenge for us as parents because she never been to school.  For almost four years they were stuck in Sri Lanka. It was a bit tough for them. They were in a restricted area, they were really stuck at the […]

A.K. part one

I have reached so many stages in my life. I work full time in a retail store and I got couple of days off duty, So during that time, I spend my valuable time with community and volunteering work. Funny thing is, Some people see me at my workplace. Then suddenly they see me in […]


“I came here in 2020, post first lockdown and got a plot here with Mary Croft. We turned the grass over and planted a few beds of carrots and cauliflower in the middle of winter.   We were both quite concerned about where we are we gonna get our food post the COVID crisis. I […]


“I’m on checkouts. I was quite surprised when we weren’t considered frontline in that second group of rollout of the vaccine. It was only when we went into lockdown that we were considered for it, which is weird, as we’re the only ones open that people can go to, every single day. People are pretty […]

Olivia D

“I made this dress for my school formal. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 it was cancelled. My grandma was a seamstress and we spend a lot of time making things together. The dress took me a couple of weekends to make; my first day was spent at Grandma’s, cutting everything out and over-locking everything. The gold […]


“Ok … well, it’s been a weird few weeks! Following an international work trip my family and I spent life in full quarantine for a week before the lock down started. Yep – I am case NZ#18 / CHCH#1. I am now fully recovered but my husband remains at the other end of the house […]

Renee & Alexus-Rose

“We should be outside in this sunshine. Today is beautiful for stopping illness. The media can make us anxious, but we can get away from it. We don’t need to be scared unless you know you have it or know someone with it. We don’t need run away and hide. We need to get outside […]