
“I live in Westmorland, but I was telling my childhood story about growing up in Addington. My Nana lived around the corner; in those old days, that’s what happened. My dad built the house after the war. We’d walk every day to have lunch with Nana. I’m one of eight – I’m number four. When […]


“It’s a strange feeling I guess, like everybody in the city you still vividly remember that day 10 years ago. Everyone’s affected in some way, some more directly than others. I think for me my life would be so different without the earthquake experience. It’s hard to say that because of the tragedy that the […]

Graham and Perrine

We found Halswell to be an absolute haven. Our boundary was with the reserve and our gardens merged together. I think the potential that was in the reserve hit me and our neighbours encouraged us to proceed.


“I didn’t really enjoy high school, I just went because it’s what you do. I didn’t really have any teachers I could really connect with, it’s like those movies where you might find one teacher who really inspires you, I didn’t have that as such.  It’s funny, in high school I studied graphic design, and […]

Riwai Grace

I slept through the February 2011 earthquake, Nan’s scream woke me up, I was in between shifts. Our dog got out, I ran after him, barefoot through the liquefaction in my boxer shorts. I waited for my wife to get home, once she and Nan were safe I headed into the CBD, I wanted to get to my crew.