
“Meals for Mum is a charity that was started quite a few years ago – not by me, by somebody else. Hilary Barry. along with Seven Sharp, introduced it to the world and it kind of burst onto the scene nationwide. To be honest, with COVID, it became very difficult to maintain due to health […]


“Christchurch feels like home because it is! it’s the only place I’ve really known. It’s where my immediate family, who brought me up, are. My adoptive family. And so it does feel like home for me. I always knew I was Māori, but didn’t know what the whakapapa was until I was 19. In terms […]


“A big part of my life is the market. It’s coming up to 14 years (as Manager). We have our own community out here with everyone that comes in. It’s changed a lot. We’ve been through two earthquakes; the shootings; all sorts of things. COVID. Everything that can be thrown at us really. A lot […]


“I’m in my second year of biology. I’m very into climate activism. So, kind of learning about all of biology and then also having in the back of my mind, oh like, there might not be all this biology around. It’s quite scary. And it’s also de-motivating and motivating at the same time. I’ve kind […]

Ron ‘The Mystic’

“I’ve had a market stall for 14 years. I offer readings to the public. I read palms and tarot cards, it’s very therapeutic just to have someone to talk to. We live in a world where it’s becoming more online and less personable. I’ve had a lot of life experience so that helps my readings […]


“I came here for studying the marketing. I searched online and I found that New Zealand is a very beautiful country and the colleges are friendly. And I think that the education is very suitable for me and especially suitable for my children. So I chose here.  Both my husband and I are studying. It’s […]


“I moved here about nine years ago. I live at French Farm. Our family had a bach here when I was a wee boy.  I was away living in Aussie for a long time. Living in Nelson. Bought a family up. Things change. Life goes full circle. Let me tell you. What bought me here? […]


“I’ve been here for 75 years, 14 February.  My family’s from Normandy, France. They came in a ship – Comte de Paris. And Captain Stanley was there to meet them with a bottle of champagne, probably. Well, that’s my job.  And I’ve done every job in the books.  When we were young, we had to […]


“I’ve been doing genealogy. I’m just an amateur but fanatical. I’m a member of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists and the local Canterbury Society. I’ve been doing other people’s trees for them, just for fun. I just love it. It’s so intriguing and to find these bits of history that I’m connected to is […]

Duncan W

“I started fishing as a little kid. When I was about six or seven, we moved to a farm. And within about three or four miles of the farm was a lake, and they stocked it with bass, so we were just fishing there every chance we got. Then a friend of mine when I […]