
“Christchurch feels like home because it is! it’s the only place I’ve really known. It’s where my immediate family, who brought me up, are. My adoptive family. And so it does feel like home for me. I always knew I was Māori, but didn’t know what the whakapapa was until I was 19. In terms […]


“I’m in my second year of biology. I’m very into climate activism. So, kind of learning about all of biology and then also having in the back of my mind, oh like, there might not be all this biology around. It’s quite scary. And it’s also de-motivating and motivating at the same time. I’ve kind […]


“I came here for studying the marketing. I searched online and I found that New Zealand is a very beautiful country and the colleges are friendly. And I think that the education is very suitable for me and especially suitable for my children. So I chose here.  Both my husband and I are studying. It’s […]


“When my last baby went off to school people said, oh, you’ll be going back to work now, but I just wanted a year to myself first and so I started painting. I had a really blessed career path. I was picked up by a gallery within six months of starting painting, and started selling […]


“I’ve lived in Christchurch for 3 years, I came here for work. I came to work as a postdoctoral fellow for the University of Canterbury. I’m Originally from Progreso, Yucatan, Mexico, but I have been to several places already. I lived in the UK, in Glasgow for four and a half years and while I […]