
“I’ve been involved in Te Ahu Pātiki (Conservation Park) since before its inception, but I’ve only been formally on the board since 2022. The founding board members wanted me to go on for quite a while, but my life was pretty busy; I didn’t feel like I could give it what it needed. I represent […]


“Giggly girt! Giggly girt!” “See I got my hair cut on Friday. I’ve got my hair band to keep it up. See? Like this I keep it up. Biscuit Blair – she’s my favourite woman. And you. And that cheeky lady over there. My last name is Rule. I’ll write it down for you, you […]


“I was born and raised in war. To be honest, those are not good memories. I really like Iran, and I really miss it, but I couldn’t be myself there. Even though my family didn’t like my decision, I left Iran. I promised myself that I would do whatever I can for all communities, especially […]


“I’ve been doing compost workshops for the community for four years. But I guess composting for like the past eight years. It originally started because we moved and our house came with the compost bin. I was curious to know what it was, so we started composting, but like, just chucking stuff and not really […]


“I was in Cambodia for work. It was a very hot night, and I literally swept my hand down my body and said out loud, ‘Oh, it’s so hot!’ And I felt this lump, It felt like half the size of a golf ball. I thought, I’m not going to be too worried about it, […]


“Meals for Mum is a charity that was started quite a few years ago – not by me, by somebody else. Hilary Barry. along with Seven Sharp, introduced it to the world and it kind of burst onto the scene nationwide. To be honest, with COVID, it became very difficult to maintain due to health […]


“I’m in my second year of biology. I’m very into climate activism. So, kind of learning about all of biology and then also having in the back of my mind, oh like, there might not be all this biology around. It’s quite scary. And it’s also de-motivating and motivating at the same time. I’ve kind […]


“I had childhood trauma when I was younger. Being diagnosed with ADHD at six. I carried that label around like it was printed on my T-Shirt. They even put me in a Woman’s Day magazine with the article titled ‘Taming Hunter’ you know, like some sort of a circus act. At age nine, I had […]

Knit & yarn group – Leslie, Marjorie, Judith and Jillian

“Well, I never thought about joining a group, I saw Marjorie at the wool shop, and she was wearing something that she had knitted and I said ‘hey, I like your bolero’. And she said ‘I’m starting a knitting group’, and so that’s when I started going because I live in the country, out towards […]


“I came here in 2020, post first lockdown and got a plot here with Mary Croft. We turned the grass over and planted a few beds of carrots and cauliflower in the middle of winter.   We were both quite concerned about where we are we gonna get our food post the COVID crisis. I […]