
“Giggly girt! Giggly girt!”

“See I got my hair cut on Friday. I’ve got my hair band to keep it up. See? Like this I keep it up.

Biscuit Blair – she’s my favourite woman. And you. And that cheeky lady over there.

My last name is Rule. I’ll write it down for you, you silly old duff.

I was born on West Coast. I moved here when I was a little girl.

I like doing pictures here that’s why I like pictures. Doing art. I like going for a walk. I come here Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.

My sister, I go see her on Saturday. Have a cup of coffee, at home. She’s five, nine. 59. I’m five, seven, 57. This year I’ll be 58. My birthday’s on a Thursday. I’m having chocolate cake and pizza. And lolly ice cream.

Some people are noisy. Nicholas, and Peter and Chris, they are my friends and that giggly girt over there.

I get headache sometimes at other work, because noisy.

I’m happy here. I could go for a walk if I want to. I’m good.”

– Vanessa

White Room Creative Spaces
The White Room is a community creative space that removes barriers to making art. They’re  welcoming, accessible and supportive. Through this, artists build confidence, connections and embrace new opportunities.

Charity registration number: CC57701